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70 | FireFlyz
that seem so silly
tend to get the better
of us in our haste to
board a plane that
the “simple logic”
that is usually with
us, disappears in times of excitement.
It is understandable for our mind
reels with a million and one things
as we head off in different directions.
At Firefly, we always do our best to
ensure your happiness and safety
when you are with us, for we
understand our customers. For your
convenience we have put together
10 carry-on baggage suggestions to
put your mind at ease, oftentimes
so simply overlooked to ensure the
success of your travels with us.
Put your name on it
The old saying goes that “what’s yours
has your name on it,”, or with regret,
“finder’s keepers, loser’s weepers”.
Oftentimes, we do that with our
check-in luggage, but with our carry
on…we place such great assurance
with ourselves and tend to forget
that the unexpected may occur, such
as god forbid; leaving our carry-on
someplace! A neat little tag or sticker
with your name, address and contact
details can spare you a lof of trouble.
One such insight that might even bring
you a pleasant surprise is if there was
a travel itinerary within, allowing the
finder to know where you are and
when. It may just surprise you to find
the kindness and grace of a good deed
catching up with you.
Less is more
The carry on baggage only serves the
purpose of taking the items physically
with you that must not go into your
check-in luggage due to its fragility,
valuable quality, or necessity for
passage and subsistence till arrival
at your destination. To serve as an
offload to what you would normally
place in your check-in luggage is a
burden to yourself and a hindrance to
your enjoyment in travel. The more
“barang-barang” we lug around in our
carry-on, the more complex things
will ultimately be, perhaps even
overloading our minds with undue
thoughts of, and unnecessary lugging
around of things that could have been
stowed away, out of sight and out of
mind. Enjoy your journey. Do plan
Is that mine? No, it’s yours
Have you spotted someone who
has exactly the same bag as yours?!
It may be more common than you
think. To err on the side of caution,
you could personalise your carry-
on. It may seem rather uncalled for,
but that simple step could save you
from an embarrassing situation,
and what’s more, puts your own
stamp of ownership and authority
over your belongings. Feel good, and
know that you can spot your things at
a moment’s glance. A stripe here,
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Carry-on Baggage Suggestions to Put You at Ease