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Close your eyes, go to sleep … and stay asleep for eight solid hours. Here are some easy
tricks for the perfect bedtime.
Have a Siesta!
well and you’ll
be more productive the
next day. As simple as
it sounds, you’ll be hard
pressed to find someone
who can actually get a
good night’s slumber.
And no infants and cute dogs don’t count.
Sleep issues are an epidemic yet most
people think of it as being a norm. So let’s
break that ridiculous notion, here are a few
tips you can follow to get a good sleep.
Get on a regular sleeping
The most important thing you should do
is to get on a regular schedule. Try going
to bed at a relatively similar time every
night and wake up at the same time each
morning. Your body clock gets used to
this cycle and soon enough, you’re out
cold as soon as your head hits the pillow.
It’ll help if your body feels some type of
your body drops. This makes your body
wake up. This explains why after a night
of heavy drinking you tend to wake up a
lot. So, if you decide to have a drink, try
to stop two hours before bedtime. That
would give the alcohol enough time to
be digested.
Keep cool
Set your room temperature just right. Not
too cold, not too hot. This puts your body
in a state of serenitywhichwill slowly drift
you off to dreamland.
Deep breaths help reduce your heart rate
and blood pressure. This then releases
endorphins and relaxes your body, getting
it ready for some rest. Try inhaling for five
seconds and then pausing for three. Do
this for a little while till you feel your body
calming down.
time change so, if possible, try drawing
the curtains a little bit so you get a sense
of night and day.
Cut down on stimulants
Everything from coffee, tea and even
cigarettes. These prevent you from sleep-
ing because your body starts feeling little
waves of withdrawal. Once you cut down,
you’ll start falling into a nice patternwithin
three days.
Morning workouts
Exercise helps, but stop four hours prior
to your bedtime. The best time for a good
workout is in the morning as soon as
you wake up. Cardio helps by improving
the length and quality of your sleep, and
health nuts say that working out in the
mornings aid weight loss.
Don’t drink and sleep
Few hours after drinking, alcohol levels in
Wake up feeling energised!