Page 62 - Fireflyz Issue 2

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60 | FireFlyz
on the Go
on the
Exercise does not always have to be a chore.
takes a look at threeworkouts
that are taking over theworld.
The original dance fitness party, Zumba
is taking over the world – one merengue,
hip-hop, belly-dancing infused step at a
time. A dance fitness programme created
by Colombian dancer and choreographer
Alberto “Beto” Perez during the 1990s,
a Zumba workout involves dance and
aerobic elements combined with hip-hop,
samba, salsa, merengue, mambo, martial
arts, and some Bollywood and belly dance
moves. The usual gym staples - squats
and lunges - are also included but they are
so well hidden Zumba-goers often do not
even realise they make an appearance!
Approximately 14 million people take
weekly Zumba classes in over 140,000
locations across more than 150 countries
– impressive figures for a workout to loud,
infectious music. The appeal of this Latin-
inspired craze lies in its versatility. The
Zumba program is so diverse that it suits
all fitness levels and ages – so whether
you’re after a calorie burning bout, total
body toning or just a bout of fun, Zumba is
your answer.
Zumba… A dance fitness programme
created by Colombian dancer and
choreographer Alberto “Beto” Perez.
Hashing has its humble roots right here in
Kuala Lumpur. In 1938, a group of British
colonial officials and expatriates founded
a running club called the Hash House
Harriers to satisfy their love for running
and a beer. They named the group after
their meeting place called the Hash House
and the “hashers” name stuck. Drawing
inspiration from the traditional British
paper chase, Hash House Harrier runs
were patterned such where a “hare” was
given a head start to blaze a trail, marking
his devious way with shreds of paper,
while being pursued by a shouting pack
of “harriers”. Apart from the excitement of
chasing the hare, completing the run has
its own reward of ice-cold beer for thirsty
harriers. Today there are thousands of
Hash House Harrier clubs in all parts of
the world, with newsletters, directories,
and even regional and world hashing