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The old adage of ‘breakfast is the most important meal of the day’ is getting shunted
aside as our lives get busier andmorehectic. Is it time to fall in lovewithbreakfast again?
To Breakfast or Not to Breakfast?
idea of sitting around
a table first thing in the
morning and sharing a
nutritious meal with the
family is something of a
distant memory for many
as work squeezes more
and more out of the day. Breakfast seems
an indulgence when there are meetings
to be attended to and the children need
to get to school – who has time to eat in
the morning anymore?
And yet the evidence continues to
show that breakfast really is the most
important meal of the day, providing fuel
to aid concentration and boost energy as
well as preventing you overeating during
the day. A good breakfast can ensure you
are delivered into your day as a better,
healthier and more vibrant individual –
may be its time tomake time for breakfast!
Why is breakfast so important?
When you first wake up in the morning
it will likely be at least 8 hours since your
last meal, leaving your poor body empty.
Like a car needs petrol, your body needs
an influx of energy to function and allow
you to think and talk and rush around
as your day demands. A good breakfast
can provide the fuel you need to not only
negotiate your day, but ensure you work
or play at your peak.
Breakfast is also proven to have wider
reaching health benefits, with scientific
boiled or perhaps scrambled with a slice
of toast?
Fresh fruit
– a lovely bowl of fresh fruit or,
if you are in a hurry, a banana on the go,
will provide your body with a wonderful
shot of nutrition and a slow release of
energy throughout the morning.
– another easy option is a tub of
low-fat yoghurt which comes packed with
calcium and protein to keep you feeling
full for longer. Add some fruit to sweeten
and you have a breakfast of champions!
– muesli or other unprocessed
grains such as oats are a great source of
carbohydrates for a lengthy supply of
energy to keep you going till lunchtime.
research showing a link between eating
breakfast and a reduction in appetite, food
consumption and body weight, as well as
showing an improvement in blood sugar
Studies have also found that those
partaking in breakfast can enjoy a reduc-
tion in stress and an improved mood, so
eating in the morning will make you a
happier and nicer person to be with!
What should I be eating for
Breakfast will only serve as the wonder
meal if you eat the right things – a cup
of sweet Milo and a sugary donut don’t
count! The key is to feed your body with
something well-balanced and healthy,
containing ingredients that will provide
the nutrients you need to function well
during the day.
Nutritionists recommend a breakfast
that involves protein, to help balance
blood sugar, and some quality complex
carbohydrates (such as oats) for sustained
energy. Vitamins and minerals from fruits
and vegetables are also great for boosting
the body first thing.
Why not try…
– while previously decried for their
cholesterol content, eggs are a good source
of protein and nutrients, plus they can be
prepared in so many ways you are bound
to find a form you like! Poached on toast,
One should not
even attend to
the end of the
worldwithout a
good breakfast.”
Robert A. Henlein
Cooked breakfast
– while a fried break-
fast is too fattening to be good for you on
a regular basis, there is nothing wrong
with some grilled meat (protein) teamed
upwith eggs (iron and calcium) and a side
of vegetables (nutrients and vitamins) to
start your day.
– caffeine is seen as a necessity for
many struggling with an earlymorning, so
youwill be pleased to hear that this power
beverage can also provide health benefits
and is linked to a lower risk of diseases
such as diabetes, Just remember to avoid
the cream and the sugar if you can!
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