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or make it difficult for weight loss.
As bread contains complex carbohy-
drates, it is packed with fuel, but leave
this energy unburned and it will turn
into fat. Eat only as much bread as your
lifestyle demands – if you are sitting at
a desk all day, your probably don’t need
to eat a whole loaf!
To make sure you are getting good,
nourishing bread, try seeking out an
artisan bakery where bread is made in-
house and will be free from unnecessary
preservatives or processed ingredients.
This bread is likely to be more expensive
and will go stale quicker than shop-
bought bread, but the difference in
taste, quality and healthiness more than
Embracing bread is all about making
the right decisions about what and when
you eat it, but there is no cause to fear the
soft stuff if you have a health, balanced
diet and lifestyle – indeed it can do you
some good!
Bread has been seen as the enemy of waistlines for too long – it’s time to re-embrace
the fluffy stuffas an integral and healthy part of our diet!
The Truth About Bread
of the most long-
suffering victims of
the modern world’s
obsession with diet-
ing is bread. Viewed
as the cause of extra
pounds and critised
for coming laden with preservatives,
bread tends to be the first to be ditched
when weight loss and ‘healthy eating’
are the goals.
While some of the criticism levelled
at bread has got a foundation, the idea
that ‘bread is bad’ is incorrect. Those that
make smart choices about what bread
they eat and when, need not fear the ill
effects of the dough-based treat.
Historical source of
The human relationship with bread
began with unleavened flatbreads made
by primal man around 12,000 years
ago, with the Ancient Egyptians moving
W o r d s :
S a r a h R e e s
development onwards by experimenting
with yeast to make bread rise. In the
years that followed, different cultures and
countries developed their own versions
and styles of the basic flour-and-water
mix to create a world of simple but
wholesome food designed to be cheap,
nourishing and portable.
Each different type of bread has dif-
ferent properties and therefore qualities,
but all will contain nutrients in some
form, and deliver a dose of grain that
the body needs each day. Bread is also
a good source of carbohydrates which,
despite being associated with weight-
gain, provide vital energy for your body
to maintain internal processes at their
Caution is key
As with anything, you can have too much
of a good thing, and eating too much
bread or the wrong type of bread too
often will certainly impact your weight,