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Lifewill always consist of problems and pressures, tough decisions and stressful days.
Much of the hardship of life will be out of your control, but you do have the power to
choose happiness over worry and greet theworldwith a smile instead of a frown. We
areall equippedwith thepersonalityattributes that allowus tobehappy; they just need
some care and attention to operate to our benefit.
All human beings find comfort in
feeling secure withwho they are and
their place in life. Come to termswith
yourself, your job, your financial
situation and your family, and take
the time to think back over the
defining moments in your life – all
of these can help boost your security
and bring on the happiness.
Not only does exercise release en-
dorphins that make you feel good,
being active will give you energy and
keep your body in good condition
to get the most of our life. The body
and mind come as a package, so
taking care of the former will help
the latter too.
Laughter releases all sorts of chemi-
cals into our bodies that make us feel
good, while finding the humour in
a bleak situation helps people cope.
Make a point of seeking things that
bring a chuckle to your face, whether
it be a comedy show, a movie or
even just cartoons, and tickle your
funny bone.
Lose the belief that you always need
to please the people around you and
be brave enough to stand by what
you believe and who you are. Only
by having the courage to be you will
you find satisfaction in yourself, and
that will bring happiness.
Happiness Therapy
Being optimistic is vital to happi-
ness, and the key to seeing the glass
half full is to embrace all of life’s
experiences, both the good and
the bad. View the good things with
satisfaction and try to accept the
difficult moments as a necessary
part of life and something that will
benefit you in the long term, making
you stronger and wiser.
Love makes us happy – there is no
simpler truth! Whether it be love
from parents, affection from a lover
or the bond you have with friends,
sharing a special connection and
feeling that you matter to others is
a sure fire way to keep the smiles
coming. Find time to spend with the
people you love, and get out there
and make some new friends too, as
loneliness will only bring you down.