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Almaty, the old
capital of Kazakhstan, is
like stepping back in time,
and making a visit during
Nauryz - the national fes-
tival celebrations - makes a fascinating
visit even better. March is a good time
of year to visit Kazakhstan because the
temperature is turning milder, making it
pleasant to walk around the parks and
promenades. After only a few minutes
into a morning stroll, you will see a city
that bears the hallmarks of bygone eras
with Soviet and Ottoman influences.
Exotic Delicacies
A visit to the local baths is a great way
to start the day with Russian, Finnish
and Turkish saunas available, as well as
a cold plunge pool and the option of a
strong or light massage on a tiled bed.
The choice of destination is always importantwhen
travelling but the season that you choose to go canmake
a real difference to your trip, as
JonathanDi Rollo
out inAlmaty, Kazakhstan.
Time Travel
An interesting addition is the availability
of bunches of birch leaves with which
to thrash yourself and get your blood
circulation going even faster.
Not only do the buildings, parks and
cathedrals catch your eye in the centre
of the city, the diverse options for lunch
at local, Georgian, Turkish and other
eateries will do as well. Cuisines on offer
range from tasty, meat filled dumplings
and brothy soups to kebabs and even
exotic delicacies such as horse meat for
those with stronger stomachs and more
adventurous taste buds.
Sheep Lifting
The national holidays are celebrated
each year by the festival called Nauryz,
which means ‘new day’. It is a celebra-
tion to mark the beginning of the new
year. Celebrations are held all over the
country and include singing and danc-
ing from ladies and men in colourful
traditional attire with songs ranging
from the romantic traditional ballads
to funky modern ethnic music. Other
entertainment on offer include sheep
lifting competitions where a man puts
a sheep on his shoulders and lifts the
sheep as many times as possible. Other
fun and games include tight rope walkers
and eagle tamers displaying their captive
birds of prey on their arms.
The Future of Kazakhstan
The stylish exterior of the Opera House
belies a tasteful interior with displays of
opera and ballet performances