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Stay Calm
Whenfacedwithasports injury, oneshould
be aware of exactlywhere it is. It is always
best to stay calm and not move. Instead,
ask for help and assess the injury for
any changes of colour and deformity.
Ligament injuries, for instance,will become
swollen. Ice packs work well in reducing
inflammation and pain. The final step is to
seek treatment from specialists centres
like KPJ Klang.
The hospital recommends that it is
always best to see someonewho is really
familiar with sports injuries. One can go to
general practitioners but themore serious
cases are best looked at by a specialist.
In treating sports injuries, the history
of the injury is important, how and when
it occurred. A physical examination alone
will not be sufficient in order to asses the
severity of the injury. An MRI scan has
to be conducted to get to the root of the
problem. ACL and meniscus tears are
usually repaired with keyhole surgery. It
is one of the best options as the recovery
is fast, involves less pain and leaves very
minimal scarring. This is a procedure that
is available at KPJ Klang.
‘Weekend warriors’ are more prone to
sports injuries.These arepeoplewho stay
inactive throughout the week but push
themselves to the limit with sports and
physical activitiesonweekends.Thesame
goes with those who do not warm up or
wear suitablesportsattire. It isalwaysbest
to warm up for at least 15 minutes before
startingtheactivityandtowear thecorrect
shoes to get a proper grip on the surface
that the activity is being conducted on.
Shoulder surgery is still a relatively
new procedure in Malaysia. At KPJ Klang,
it is conducted with great success with
modern equipment by highly trained or-
thopaedic surgeons. Recovery is another
important aspect well taken care of with
physiotherapy sessions being offered
to the patient’s post-treatment at the
hospital. The orthopaedic clinic at KPJ
Klang is also currently being developed
intoa sports injurycentre tocater to the 1.2
millionpopulationwithin theKlangvicinity
and beyond.
KPJ Bandar Baru Klang Specialist Hospital
KKLIU No. 1596/2016