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the activity of TNAP (tissue-nonspecific
alkaline phosphatase) whichmakes our
fat cells create less fat, and thus helps
prevent over-accumulation of body fat.
Prevents heat stroke
Watermelon is effective in reducing
both your body temperature and blood
pressure. Many people in tropical regions
eat this fruit every day in the afternoon
to protect themselves fromheat stroke.
In India, you will find the fruit being sold
by vendors in almost every street during
the summer season. The high amount
of water contained in watermelon also
stimulates a release of excess liquid in
the formof sweat, which cools your body
further during hot days.
Heart Care
Lypocene, a carotenoid found in
abundance in watermelon, improves
cardiac functions. Beta carotene, known
for its remarkable antioxidant and anti-
aging properties, also keeps you young
at heart and prevents age-related cardiac
problems. The roughage in watermelon
and its very low energy, along with
help fromVitamin C, carotenoids and
potassium (potassium cuts the risk of a
heart attack), helps to reduce cholesterol
and keep your heart safe from a variety of
dangerous conditions.
The watermelon is by far
one of the most powerful,
body-healing fruits out
there. The amazing health
benefits of this fruit cover
everything from your brain
all the way to the cells in
your feet. The long list of
healthy or beneficial effects
of watermelons are mainly
derived from its unique
nutrients, vitamins, minerals,
and organic compounds.
These include significant
amounts of Vitamin C,
calcium, magnesium, fiber,
protein and a very large
amount of potassium.
Cardiovascular and bone health
The lycopene in watermelon is especially
important for our cardiovascular health
and is now being recognised as an
important factor in promoting bone
health. Consuming large amounts of
watermelon has also been correlated
with improved cardiovascular func-
tion because it improves blood flow
via vasodilation (relaxation of blood
Dietary lycopene (from foods like
watermelon or tomatoes) reduces oxida-
tive stress which normally reduces the
activity of osteoblasts and osteoclasts
(the twomajor bone cells involved in
the pathogenesis of osteoporosis) – this
means stronger bones for those consum-
ing lycopene-rich foods.Watermelon
is also rich in potassiumwhich helps to
retain calcium in your body, resulting in
stronger bones and joints.
Reduces body fat
The citrulline in watermelon has been
shown to reduce the accumulation of
fat in our fat cells. Citrulline is an amino
acid which converts into arginine with
help from the kidneys.When our bodies
absorb citrulline it can take the step of
converting into arginine if so required.
Citrulline, when consumed, has the
ability to (through a series of steps) block
The Body