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Don’t Worry,
Be Happy
Withthehustleandbustleof life,weareoftentoobusytothinkaboutourhappiness.Being
happydoesn’tnecessarilymeanhavingtosplurge largeamountsofmoneyorbymaking
elaborate plans. Be inspired and find joy in these eight simple tips for finding happiness.
Start working out … even if it’s
something quick
just 20 minutes a day is beneficial
as it can help you to relax, increase your
brain power and improve your body
image. It will also do plenty of good for
your health and body in the long run.
Get enough sleep … you’ll be less
sensitive to negativity
sleep has been shown to
increase natural resilience against
negative emotions, as well as enabling
the body to re l ease ant i - s t ress
Find time tomeditate … give yourself a
helps you develop a serene
calmness, which can help you cool down
and relax instead of lashing out in anger,
especially when the going gets tough.
Spendmore timewith friends and family
… don’t regret it on your deathbed
evening of fun and laughter over a
good meal will definitely help to alleviate
your mood, especially if you’ve been
having a rough time.
Get some fresh air … it’ll be good for you
at least half an hour outdoors
increases your overall happiness and
sense of wellbeing. So grab a book, plan
a picnic or simply lie under the sun and
slowly let yourself unwind.
Spendmoney on others … it doesn’t
always have to be about you
study published in the “Psychological
Bulletin” even found that the happiest
people were the biggest givers, no matter
what they earned. They always felt better
donating to charities and giving to others
than splurging on themselves.
Smile … it’ll brighten your day and others
your emotions towards happiness
simply by smiling. Smiling releases
s e ro t on i n i n t he b ra i n , wh i ch
instantaneously gives your mood a lift.
Plan a trip … you owe it to yourself
you have a stressful life and
need a break to relax, or you’re in a rut
and could use some mental stimulation,
taking a vacation can provide the perfect
change of pace your mind needs and it
gives you the calm and peace you need
to be happy.