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30 | FireFlyz
people claim
t ha t sunsh i ne
m a k e s t h e m
happy, and rainy
days get them
d own , bu t i s
there any truth in
it? Psychologists and scientists have
done lots of research and analysis on
the topic and believe that there is a link
between weather and our bodies, with
the weather prompting changes inside
that influence how we feel.
It is not difficult to believe that sunshine
makes everyone happy, but there are
actually scientific reasons as to why sun-
shine will make you feel more positive
and give you more energy. We absorb
sunlight through our skulls and this
helps our internal body clock find a point
of reference, allowing us to sleep at night
and be awake and alert during the day.
The light prompts the brain to produce
melatonin, a chemical that prevents us
feeling tired and serotonin, or the ‘happy
hormone’, which makes us feel good!
People living in countries that get
very little daylight in the winter, or
people who work night shifts, often get
depression caused by a lack of sunlight.
This can be combated by use of lamps
that mimic the effect of sunlight.
as theweather? Youmight be onto something!
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