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of flower pollen, and exposure to
small amounts of allergens works
as good treatment to combat
Boosts your energy:
For those
looking for a quick energy
boost, such as before or after a
workout, honey can suffice. This
is particularly true for athletes
looking for a “time-released fuel”
to provide energy over a longer
duration. The National Honey
Board recommends adding honey
to your bottle of water for an
energy boost during workouts.
Snacks with honey can be eaten
before and after, and honey sticks
can be used during endurance
Helps prevent cancer and
heart disease:
Honey contains
flavonoids, antioxidants which
help reduce the risk of some
cancers and heart disease.
Honey is a remarkable substance which is made even more extraordinary by the process by which
it is made. This blend of sugar, trace enzymes, minerals, vitamins and amino acids is quite unlike
any other sweetener on the planet and has many health benefits when used in moderation.
Honey makes excellent cough
Research has shown
that honey works as well as
dextromethorphan, a common
ingredient in over the counter
cough medications, to soothe
cough and related sleeping
difficulties due to upper respiratory
tract infections in children. The
World Health Organization (WHO)
lists honey as a demulcent,
which is a substance that relieves
irritation in your mouth or throat
by forming a protective film.
Honey can treat wounds:
was used as conventional therapy
in fighting infection up until
the early 20th century, at which
time its use slowly vanished
with the advent of penicillin.
Now the use of honey in wound
care is regaining popularity,
as researchers are determining
exactly how honey can help fight
serious skin infections. Honey
has antibacterial, antifungal and
antioxidants activities that make it
ideal for treating wounds.
It improves your scalp:
diluted with a bit of warm water,
was shown to significantly
improve seborrheic dermatitis,
which is a scalp condition that
causes dandruff and itching. On
tests run on a group patients, daily
application of the solution every
other day for four weeks showed
dramatic improvements.
May relieve seasonal allergies:
people swear by honey’s ability
to lessen symptoms of seasonal
allergies. As honey has anti-
inflammatory effects and is known
to soothe coughs, this may be true.
It must be noted, however, that
honey’s ability for treating allergies
has not been proven in clinical
studies. That said, some experts
say that honey can contain traces