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There is still a misconception that womenwho lift weights will become overly muscled. The
only way that women are going to build significant amounts of muscle, to the point that they
start to look manly, is to take steroids or other hormones. Let us take a look at some of the
benefits of strength training for ladies.
Lift Those Weights, Ladies
Faster metabolism
As women age, they naturally lose muscle mass, which
causes the metabolism to slow. This means a ‘spare tire’
could develop during your 30s. When you do weight-bearing
exercises, you start revving up your metabolism and it keeps
burning for many hours after your workout.
Youwill burn fat
It has been proven that muscle tissue is more “active” than
fat tissue, with each pound of muscle burning about 30
calories a day just to sustain itself. So even if you’re sitting
on the couch or are stuck at your desk for eight hours a day,
the extra muscle mass you develop will
burn more calories, helping you keep
the weight.
Muscle is functional
Havingmore muscle will mean that
you are stronger and fitter, which
means that you function better in
everyday life. This alsomeans that you
will look and feel a lot better.
Increases bone strength
This is very important as osteoporosis is more com-
mon in women than in men. Weight lifting strengthens
muscles and bones. Regular weight lifting increases
bone density, which reduces the risk of fractures and
It may help lower blood pressure
Studies have shown that strength training lowers blood
pressure for 10 to 12 hours after each session, which gives
your heart a break. How strength training does this is not
completely understood, but it probably has subtle effects on
everything from hormones to nervous system regulation.
Improves posture
A stronger back, shoulders, neck, and core can help you
stand up straight and look confident. One big plus point is
that you will look taller. Better posture also preserves the
spine and reduces lower back pain.
Reduces stress and improves your mood
Weight lifting is one of the best ways to naturally improve
mood. It reduces stress, anxiety, and depression and creates
a sense of happiness from the release of endorphins. If you
are ever depressed or stressed, weight lifting will literally
make you feel a lot better.