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Muscular arms make you look fit and the fact that you can show them off anytime, anywhere, is a
great way to advertise all the hard work that you have put in at the gym. Firefly looks at some of
the best bicep exercises to do to get sleeve-stretching arms.
Gun Show
Standing Dumbbell Curl
This classic curl should be on every biceps-focused list. You
use a weight that makes sense. If you are swaying back wildly
and contorting your body—especially excessively arching your
lower back—to lift the load, you should probably get a lighter
pair of dumbbells.
Grab a pair of dumbbells and let them hang at arm’s length
next to your sides. Turn your arms so your palms face forward.
Without moving your upper arms, bend your elbows and curl
the dumbbells as close to your shoulders as you can. Pause,
then slowly lower the weight back to the starting position. Each
time you return to the starting position, completely straighten
your arms.
Hammer Curl
Take your standard-grip curl and flip it on its side. This small
difference in the way you hold the dumbbell helps transfer more
of the work fromyour biceps brachii to your
bracciali, which a muscle that can make
your arms look thicker.
Let the dumbbells hang at arm’s
length next to your sides with your
palms facing your thighs. Without
moving your upper arms, bend
your elbows and curl the dumb-
bells as close to your shoulders
as you can. Pause, then slowly
lower the weight back to the
starting position. Each time you
return to the starting position,
completely straighten your arms.
Static Dumbbell Curl
This biceps exercise takes advantage of isometric training, a
technique in which you hold the weight in one position for a
period of time. It will stimulate your muscles in a way that is
different from performing full reps. This simple change can
spur new growth.
Get a dumbbell with your right hand and stand behind a
bench raised to a 45° angle. Lower the dumbbell until it is just
beyond half way. Hold for 20 seconds and then repeat on your
left arm.
Decline Dumbbell Curl
Lying chest-down on a bench really isolates the biceps as you
do not have to maintain as much tension in your legs and core
muscles as you do when you stand. Use various grips in this
position to zero in on different parts of your biceps.
Grab a pair of dumbbells and lie with your chest against a
bench that’s set to a 45° incline. Without moving your upper
arms, bend your elbows and curl the dumbbells as close to your
shoulders as you can. Pause, then slowly lower theweight back
to the starting position. Completely straighten your arms
each time you return to the starting position.