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68 ~ FireFlyz
A powerful looking upper body starts with a chiseled chest.
somes exercises that will help you develop a shirt-stretching chest.
Dumbbell SqueezePress
Lie on a bench holding a pair of dumbbells with your arms
straight above your chest, palms facing together. Let theweights
touch and squeeze themtogether as hard as possible.Maintain
this squeeze the entire time,making sure the dumbbells stay in
contact with each other. Lower theweights to the sides of your
chest, and then push themback up to the starting position.
InclineDumbbell BenchPress
Lie on a benchwith the backrest set at a 45-degree incline. Hold
a pair of dumbbells above your chest with your arms straight
and your palms turned toward your feet. Lower the dumbbells to
chest level, and then press themback up to the starting position.
Assume a pushup positionwearing aweight vest or with a
sandbag draped over your upper back or aweight plate balanced
on your upper back. Your arms should be straight and hands
slightly wider than your shoulders. Bend at your elbows and
lower your body until your chest nearly touches the floor. Pause,
and push your body back up.
Using an overhand grip that’s a bit narrower than shoulder width,
hold a barbell above your sternumwith your arms straight. Lower
the bar to your chest. Hold for 1 second. Press the bar up.
DeclineDumbbell BenchPress
Lie on a decline benchwith your shins hooked beneath the leg
support. Hold a pair of dumbbells above your chest with your
arms straight. Your palms should face your feet and theweights
should be just outside your shoulders. Lower the dumbbells to
your chest, pause, and then press themback up to the starting
Plyometric Pushup
Get into a pushup position, your hands just outside your chest,
your feet shoulder-width apart, and your body forming a straight
line fromhead to heels. Brace your core. Lower your chest to the
floor and then press up explosively so your hands come off the
Single-armDumbbell BenchPress
Liewith your back flat on a bench holding a dumbbell in your
right hand. Press the dumbbell directly over your chest until your
arm is straight. Slowly lower the dumbbell to the right side of
your chest. Pause, then press it back up. Do all your reps on your
right side, and then repeat on your left.