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headaches should
not be taken lightly as it could be
a sign of something more serious.
Headaches are also one of the
symptoms of a brain tumor. Brain
tumour can be defined as any abnormal growth
in the brain or surrounding tissues which can be
benign or malignant in nature. It attacks people
regardless of age, sex and gender.
Some common symptoms of brain tumors
include a continuous headache, especially in the
morning, which gets even worse when the neck
is in bending position or when one is coughing.
Brain Tumor:
The Curable Disease
KPJ Seremban Specialist
Hospital’s Neurosurgery
Department has the
answers that you may need
in regards to brain tumours.
A brain tumor can be treated if it is
still in its early stage. Usually, the
main treatment method is surgery,
but there are other treatments that
may help. Today, with advancements
in medical technology, treatments like
microsurgery, neuroendoscopy and
Image Guided Surgery make brain
surgery safer and even more effective.
The severe headache is followed by vomiting
and blurry vision. Usually, even painkillers do
not help to ease the pain.
The severe and continuous headache is
caused by the pressure inside the brain due
to the enlargement of a tumor or from swollen
brain tissue. Other symptoms that needs
attention include weak and numb limbs, loss
of balance, speech impediment, memory loss,
decline in senses - especially taste and
hearing - as well as a sudden
attack of convulsions.
The Contributing Factors
There is no known cause of a brain
tumor, specifically primary brain
tumor, but there are some contributing
factors that have been recognised.
Genetic factor is one of them, as some
brain tumors are hereditary. It usually
occurs among those with family history
A brain tumor is curable
at its early stage. An
early diagnoses - along
with suitable treatment -
increases the chances of
full recovery and survival.