Page 14 - FFlyz-i40
P. 14

Cover Story

       An Unconventional Valentine’s

       Been together for a while now and run out of ideas to celebrate Valentine’s Day? There is also
       a fine line between being romantic and being corny. Dinner and a movie? So 2015. Bunch of
       roses? How unimaginative. Fireflyz shares the Editor’s picks on some of the different ways of
       spending this day with your loved one.

       Horror Movie Marathon
       Be completely different and go totally against the   Scare  yourselves
                                               silly with a few
       norm by having a horror movie marathon. There   horror films.
       are so many good horror movies out there, ones
       that will really scare you. Pop some popcorn, grab
       a few cold beers or some wine, and make a night
       of it. Big plus point: your Valentine can cozy up to
       you, or vice- versa, if it gets too spooky.
       Go Camping
       In your backyard, the living room, or in an actual
       campground - camping is a wonderful excuse to
       snuggle up to your Valentine. Stay warm, talk and
       end the evening with some good food that you
       have brought in a picnic basket. If your Valentine
       is the outdoorsy type, this is a memorable way to
       mark the occasion.

       12 ~ FireFlyz
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